Regional Medical Mission

Cervical cancer is one of the common gynecologic malignancies and the only cancer that can be prevented by early detection and treatment. Persistent high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the primary risk factor for cervical cancer.

UFCH has been operating HPV Screen & Treat Missions in China for many years. Our medical missions bring HPV testing and immediate treatment directly to the women in China who need it most. A typical mission goes to an underdeveloped area or areas where has female migrant workers, provides screenings, treatment, and HPV Cervical Cancer education to 2,000 women in four-five days. For any woman who tests positive, UFCH provides immediate treatment at no cost to the women. We also provide medical training for local healthcare providers to improve their medical level.





Project Progress

HPV Cervical Cancer Screen and Treat Mission in Qinghai Yushu

Care For The Health Of The Elderly Care Workers

Relight the Hope of Life to Women in Difficulty

HPV Cervical Cancer Screen and Treat Charity Mission in Heilongjiang

Support Han Hong Foundation’s Charity Medical Mission in Heilongjiang

UFCH Provide HPV Cervical Cancer Screen and Treat for Migrant Female Workers in Beijing

UFCH Provide HPV Cervical Cancer Screen and Treat for Migrant Female Workers in Shanghai

Medical Seminar, New International Developments in Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Summary of HPV Medical Trip in Daming

Record the HPV Medical Trip in Daming

2022 Cervical Cancer Screen and Treat Medical Mission was Officially Launched

A new model to promote the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in Chinese women

Two cancers screening program – HPV、Breast cancer

Tech Empowers Medical Aid – United Foundation for China’s Health

For Poor Mothers, Let’s Set Out Again

Trip to Tangdian Town – United Family Healthcare & Foundation

Trip to Liushao Township – United Family Healthcare & Foundation

Trip to Diansha Township-United Family Healthcare & Foundation