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中外科学家纷纷对这一消息表示震惊和强烈谴责,同日,美联社采访了美国圣母大学伦理与文化中心(Center for Ethics and Culture)主任兼法学教授O. Carter Snead。Snead教授是世界领先的公共生物伦理领域的专家之一,他在采访中说:
Notre Dame Law School Professor O. Carter Snead, who specializes in bioethics, says…
“The reports from China today that an American-trained scientist has genetically engineered twin baby girls are deeply troubling, if true. No matter how well intentioned, this intervention is dangerous, unethical, and represents a perilous new moment in human history. These children, and their children’s children have had their futures irrevocably changed without consent, ethical review, or meaningful deliberation. If reports are accurate, these little girls had no health issues or concerns, and yet, during the embryonic stage of their development, had their genetic constitution ‘edited’ for the sake of speculative and dangerous research. It is heartening that the international scientific and bioethical communities have condemned this action swiftly and unequivocally. It is rare in public bioethics to see consensus across the spectrum of viewpoints, but thankfully, this is one of those unusual moments.
From 2002-05 Snead served as General Counsel to the President’s Council on Bioethics. He also is director of Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture.
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